Happy birthday, my love! 給我的最愛,生日快樂!
On your 25th anniversary 25週年紀念日
On our anniversary 祝我倆紀念日
For you my love, on our anniversary 給我的最愛,祝我倆紀念日
Happy 21st Birthday! 21歲生日快樂
For my wife, with love, on your birthday 獻給我的愛妻,生日快樂
For my loving husband on your birthday 獻給我的親愛老公,生日快樂
Happy birthday to someone special 給最特別的人,生日快樂
Best Wishes 最好的祝福
Live, Love, Laugh and be Happy! 生活在笑、愛與幸福中
Don't Worry, Be Happy! 祝你幸福無憂無慮
You can do it! 你一定行!
The sky is your only limit! 天高憑君躍!
You're My Sunshine 妳是我的太暘
Just for you... 一切只為妳......
There will never be another you 妳是我的唯一
All the best for your future 前程似錦
With every good wish 衷心祝福
Happy Birthday 生日快樂
Lots of love for your birthday 衷心祝妳生日快樂
Wishing you birthday blessings 生日祝福多多
with my whole heart 用我全部的心
Thanks for your birth 感謝妳的出生
Shining Future 燦爛的未來
You're very special to me 妳對我來說很特別
Lots of love for your birthday 衷心祝妳生日快樂
Wishing you a future filled with happiness 祝妳人生幸福,前程似錦
Happy 60th Birthday 60大壽快樂
All happiness on your Birthday! 生日快樂,事事如意!
Birthday greetings 60 years old 60壽辰的誠摯祝福
I'm so glad there is you 我因有妳而幸福
You're precious and treasured 妳是無人能代替的寶貝
Special Thanks 特別感謝
Great big thanks to you! 非常感謝!
Best Wishes 最好的祝福
Congratulations! 恭喜!
The sky is your only limit! 天高憑君躍!
Good for You! 幹的好!加油!
All the best for your future 前程似錦
With every good wish 衷心祝福
with my whole heart 用我全部的心
Shining Future 燦爛的未來
In Recognition of Dedicated Service 以彰功績
You're the best! 妳是最棒的!
Best wishes as you retire 祝賀您光榮退休
Wishing you a future filled with happiness 祝妳人生幸福,前程似錦
I've learnt so much from you 我向您學到很多東西
Wishing you good luck & success 祝妳吉星高照,馬到成功
Gratitude 謝謝
I owe what I am now to you 我能有今天全託妳的福
Best wishes for your continued success 願妳成功接踵而來
You only live once 人生只有一次
Dreams come true 夢想成真
You're My Sunshine 妳是我的太陽
Just for you... 一切只為你(妳)......